The Big Day
Before I talk about my continuing efforts to get fit I just wanted to thank everyone who read my last blog post which described losing our first son to stillbirth. Thank you for the lovely comments and for taking the time to read it. So back to my tales of trying to get fit and training for the Bubble Run. When I last spoke about my training regime I was just recovering from my first Park Run and the Bubble Run was now only a week away. My plan in the week leading up to the run was to go for one or two more runs to make sure I'd recovered from the hill at the Ashton Court Park Run and be ready for the Bubble Run. After all it was the main reason for starting the training!! Things change pretty quick and one phone call after the Park Run meant my plans for the week would have to be changed. Instead my training would consist of cycling to and from work every day. If I'm honest I was happy enough with that. I figured that rather than training just twice in the week I'd get...