
Showing posts from December, 2019

Anxiety and Me...

Harrison (our youngest son) has been nagging me for a while to write some more blog posts. I've kept putting it off because I didn’t think I had much that was interesting to say. It might be that what I’m about to say now isn’t that interesting but that what I say is read by someone who can recognise what I have to say in themselves and do better than I’ve done. So here goes...  It turns out I’m not as clever as I thought I was (yes, I'm already thinking of the humorous responses to that from friends, family and colleagues). Turns out I’m a dumbass.  Don’t get me wrong I’d like to think I’m clever enough to hold my own in conversations about most subjects. There are some topics I like to think I can do very well in when it comes to conversations. Depending on who you speak to (for example - the current Mrs Byrom) it might be the topic of sports facts that nobody can ever make use of for example.  It turns out what I’m not so clever at is trying to beat...