#27forthomas - The Start

If you've read any of my blog posts before you'll know a few things about me. If you haven't here is a recap - - I'm from Bristol and have a tendency to type in Bristolian, - I'm trying to lose weight and do that through diet and running, - I've been married to my wife for 19 years, - We have 2 sons. Our first was born sleeping 16 years ago and we have a rainbow 'baby' who is 15 years old in a few weeks time. - I'm involved with the Bristol group of Sands and have set up a football team in Bristol for bereaved dads like myself. - Last year my father passed away and in December I was diagnosed with anxiety and stress (which I've probably been suffering with since our first son was born sleeping). - Our youngest son keeps hounding me to write more blog posts. So, you're all caught up now. Since I got involved with Sands back in May/June 2018 I've been fortunate enough to meet some truly amazing and inspiring people who befriend,...