Our little boy...

Harrison (our youngest son) every now and then asks me when I'm going to write another blog post. Apparently he quite enjoys the few blog posts I've done previously. Its something I've meant to do with more regularity than I have done in the past. Just for Harrison I promise I'll try to write more posts for you. For the time being here is my latest post. Harrison this one is for you - quite literally, its all about you mate. You are my inspiration. This one is an additional birthday present for you - another present on your 16th birthday (and we can't believe you are 16!!). I remember the day you came into this world almost minute by minute, from the time your mum rung me from the hospital to tell me that your planned early entrance to this world was going to be a couple of days early to when I went to sleep in the early hours of the next morning. For a couple of hours that afternoon I sat outside the operating theatre at Southmead Hospital (the old building) abso...